When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.
The Episcopal Church follows the middle way in our theology and community engagement. We seek first to see God in all people. Whether we agree on a particular topic, we are all God’s beloved. We embrace thoughtful, respectful discussions. We celebrate diversity. And, we are known for our beautiful and engaging liturgy that respects tradition and maintains a sense of awe and wonder at the power and mystery of God. We are bound together by our love of God in Christ Jesus, by our shared traditions and experiences of God in the worship and the life of the community.
Every Sunday service includes lay people and clergy. No matter where you are in the world, the worship service pattern is the same in Anglican churches. We celebrate Communion every Sunday. All who are baptized are welcome at God's Table.
Concerning Membership, Ordination, and Marriage, The Episcopal Church follows Paul’s proclamation: “For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave of free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:26-28
Thus, neither race, nor ethnicity, nor sexual identity, nor social status prevent anyone’s access to all that the Episcopal Church has to offer. In our church, all people have full access to all orders of ministry, including ordained priesthood and office of bishop.
We hope you will join us for coffee and donuts after the service. We are a community of folks who welcome everyone and are happy to answer any questions you may have – or join in engaging conversations. Thank you for visiting – we hope to see you again.