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Sunday Activities for Children

Every Sunday children are invited to respond to the sermon and the liturgy through artisitic expression.  Small clipboards with paper and pencil are provided and children may place their drawings in the offering plate as an offering to the Lord.  Their artwork may appear on bulletins, our Website or Facebook from time to time.

During the Sunday School Hour, following church, two children's class are offered for children ages 3-6 and 6-11.

A  youth class is offered for those ages 11-17. 

Once a month, on Second Sundays, there will be additional activities offered for children throughout the morning.  Read all about it below! 

If your child is 5 or younger, we have a wonderful nursery available during both the Worship time and the Sunday School hour and we look forward to getting to know your little one while they spend time with us there.

Second Sundays

The Second Sunday of every month is a special time for our families with young children. 

During Worship:

  • There's a children's sermon during our worship and children may come forward at that time. 
  • Children and youth are encouraged to take on the responsibilities of reading the scriptures and prayers during the liturgy.  (If you have a young person in your family who would like to participate, please contact us.)

During the Sunday School Hour:

  • There are child-friendly snacks provided.
  • Children are invited to gather in their Atriums and youth are invited to gather in the  Library for Bible stories, songs, crafts and games that will help the message of the Christian Faith come alive. 

CGS is a practice of religious formation for children based on the educational method of Dr. Maria Montessori. It seeks to prepare a sacred, "hands-on" space for children called an atrium, in which both children and their catechist can hear, ponder, and celebrate the most essential mysteries of the Christian faith as revealed through the Scriptures and the Liturgy.

We currently have two Atriums open, Level 1 for children ages 3-6 and Level 2 for children ages 6-11.

Young Christians Family Retreats

We periodically hold retreats for young families to teach the children about the sacrament of baptism and communion. The children get an opportunity to make communion bread. They sing. They make arts and crafts. It's a great opportunity for children to learn about the sacraments in a fun and creative way. For information, please contact Melanie Kingsbury, Director of Young Adult and Youth Ministry.

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