Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a legacy ministry at St. Christopher’s. Throughout our history, this group has quietly supported our worship life. The challenges faced have been many. In the Spring of 2021, all of the paraments and vessels belonging to St. Christopher’s were lost in litigation.  The parishioners of St. Christopher's have generously given chalices, patens, and paraments…one sacred piece at a time. If you would like to plug into a weekly ministry among the fellowship of the faithful, the altar guild will not disappoint.   Ann Monroe is the director of our altar guild.

If you want to know more, contact Rev. Paula Jefferson or Ann Monroe at  bemine31@earthlink.net.

Tech Guild

Our Tech Guild sprang into existence at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This online ministry has become a critical piece of spreading God's word and serves as a lifeline for those worshipping at home. In addition to broadcasting Sunday services, the team also takes care of the church's social media and web page. To become involved, contact Tanya Eiserer via email, teiserer@yahoo.com.

Greeters and Ushers

Every Sunday, we roll out the proverbial Welcome Wagon. Our energetic team of greeters and ushers stand ready to welcome all who walk through the doors. We are looking for folks who are relatively new to St. Christopher's, enjoy meeting people, and remember how it felt to be welcomed that first time you walked through the doors. If you’d like to be part of this ministry, please reach out to the Rev. Paul Flynn at paul.flynn@stchrisfw.org

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

St. Christopher’s has 8 licensed Eucharistic visitors. 

If you are in the Fort Worth area, are unable to attend church and would like to receive communion at home, please contact the Rev. Paul Flynn at paul.flynn@stchrisfw.org. He will coordinate a Lay Eucharistic visitor for you.


Acolyting is an ancient tradition in the Church. At St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, acolytes participate in the Sunday worship in many ways: lighting candles; carrying torches, the processional cross, and the Gospel book; leading the prayers of the people; distributing wine during communion. On major feasts, acolytes assist with incense. This is one of those ministries that reads, “And other duties as assigned.”

This might be a ministry for you if:

• you’d like to help create a beautiful worship experience for our congregation
• you enjoy being part of a team
• participating in an ancient ministry sounds rad
• training one time per month is possible

Edwardean Harris is leading the Acolyte program. She can be reached via email: 

Parish Life

Parish Life organizes and supports fellowship events that involve food and drinks with the goal of building community.

If you enjoy offering hospitality and working with fun folks, this committee needs your time and talents! We meet the first Sunday of the month after the 10:30 service.

Contact Donna Clopton,  dclopton10@yahoo.com.

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