Sunday worship begins at 9:30 a.m. When you arrive, you can expect to be greeted by people who are glad to meet you. Our worship follows the liturgy of The Episcopal Church. After worship, join us for coffee and snacks in the fellowship hall...or join the choir's rehearsal or an Adult Christian Formation class. We are an inclusive and affirming Body of Christ. Walk with us as we grow in faith, discipleship and community involvement.
All are welcome!
We are currently worshipping in the sanctuary at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church located at 5709 Wedgwood Drive in Fort Worth.
A fully-staffed nursery is available for kids up to 3 from 9:30 to noon. The staff is trained and certified to care for infants and young children.
We would love to meet you! We welcome you to join us for worship and fellowship. Help us know how we may best serve you in Christ.
When you visit an Episcopal church, you will be a respected and welcomed guest. We will be honored to worship with you. If you wish to know more about the Episcopal Church or want to explore membership with us, our clergy will gladly answer your questions.
St. Christopher's is part of The Diocese of Texas, a diocese of The Episcopal Church.